Jumat, 01 Juni 2012 0 komentar


Sebenarnya sudah lama permintaan dari teman untuk crack micosoft office 2010 namun baru sekarang bisa memenuhi kerena  baru menemukannya sebab dari beberapa test terdahulu crack yang didapat sebelumnya tidak jalan apalagi Microsft office yang didownload langsung dari website microsoft.

Dari test yang sudah saya lakukan Crack ini berjalan dengan baik di microsoft office 2010 yang instalernya hasil dari download di web resminya microsoft. Selain itu crack ini juga jalan di windows 64 Bit.
Cara penggunaan:
  • Download tool cracknya di akhir tulisan ini
  • Extrak dan jalankan, bila menggunakan windows vista atau windows 7 Run As administrator
  • Setalah itu klik tombol EZ-Activator untuk memulai proses crack
  • Biarkan beberapa saat sampai proses selesai
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012 0 komentar


Remo-XP.com - ExtremeCopy adalah salah satu aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kecepatan transfer file dalam komputer mapun perpindahan file dalam jaringan.

Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ExtremeCopy ini, kecepatan transfer file pun semakin bertambah cepat. Saya sudah mencobanya sendiri, saya mengirim file dalam satu jaringan dengan size sekitar 2gb, kalau tanpa aplikasi terasa lama sekali, namun ketika saya menggunakan ExtremeCopy 2.1.0 ini, proses transfer file hanya butuh kurang lebih 2 menit. Pokoknya, aplikasi ExtremeCopy 2.1.0 ini recomendeed banget buat sobat blogger semua.

  • Copy file and folder as usual and high efficiency and more powerful. Good for your backup file routine .
  • Save much time when you backup files to another hard drive or USB drive or computer
  • Manage your copy file task easily
Changelog ExtremeCopy 2.1.0 Released:
  • Added queue for multiple tasks running in the same time if operate same storage
  • Added bug report feature once ExtremeCopy crash .
  • Added auto check latest version .
  • more options in configuration .
  • Fixed some bugs .
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download ExtremeCopy 2.1.0 PRO Full Serial 32 Bit
Download ExtremeCopy 2.1.0 PRO Full Serial 64 Bit || Download Software
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Membuat Widget Galeri Foto Di Blogspot

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Digg0Stumble0 0 2

Widget Galeri Foto Di Blogspot. adalah sebuah widget blogspot yang menampilkan galeri foto terbaru untuk blogspot, skema kerjanya adalah Anda harus membuat posting khusus dengan nama katagori foto, namun Anda tidak perlu kuatir terikat aturan karena widget ini sangat fleksibel dan catik. sebagai Demo silakan lihat gambar di bawah ini atau Anda dapat melihatnya secara langsung Liihat Demo

Yang kang salman suka dari widge ini adaah bila kita mengarahkan mouse ke arah gambar akan muncul sebuah title atau bahasa lainnya ask javes secara otomatis sehingga kita tidak perlu repot-repot lagi untuk membuat titlenya.

Jika Anda tertarik untuk mencoba silakan ikuti tutorial di bawah ini :
1. Login Blogger > Rancangan > Tambah Widget > Piih HTML/Javascript
2. Copy paste kode dibawah ini
<div style="padding:3px 0px 0px 45px;">
    /*** Labels Thumbs ***/
    border:1px solid #ccc;

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    function labelthumbs(json){document.write('<div>');for(var i=0;i<numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<entry.link.length;k++){if(entry.link[k].rel=='replies'&&entry.link[k].type=='text/html'){var commenttext=entry.link[k].title;var commenturl=entry.link[k].href;}
    var thumburl;try{thumburl=entry.media$thumbnail.url;}catch(error)
    else thumburl='';}
    document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'" title="'+posttitle+'"><img class="label_thumb" src="'+thumburl+'"/></a>');

    <script type='text/javascript'>var numposts = 9;</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Foto?orderby=updated&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>

Tulisan yang berwarna merah, adalah jumlah foto yang ingin di tampilkan
Tulisan yang berwarna biru Isi sesuai dengan katagori yang ingin Anda tampilkan foto-fotonya. Bila nama katagori itu lebih dari 1 kata tambahkan %20. contohnya seperti ini : Foto%20Unik

Nah sahabat kucoba, mudah bukan? selamat mencoba Membuat Widget Galeri Foto Di Blog

Baca Juga:

Jangan asal copy paste! baca aturannya disini
Post By Kang Salman
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Ninja Gaiden 3 review

Not everyone is going to be accepting of the fact that Ninja Gaiden 3 exists without the assistance of former Team Ninja leader Tomonobu Itagaki. For the longest time, this producer defined what the hardcore ninja experience is supposed to be, and since his hasty departure from Tecmo Koei’s camp, many were wondering how the legendary Ryu Hayabusa would fare without him. Well, now that the game’s here, we can honestly say that, yes, it is a different venture for him, but that doesn’t mean it sucks. In fact, this ninja is still as sharp as ever, mind a slight misstep or two.

The third chapter follows Ryu as he carves his way through an enemy army, before coming face-to-mask with an evil alchemist who has a trick up his sleeve in the way of sorcery. Following a fierce battle, Ryu finds his arm infected with a strange demonic force. Desperate to get back to his normal self – and save the world in the process – Ryu sets out on his most difficult task yet, stopping this madman and his mutant army.

Yeah, the story goes off the rails at times, but that’s just part of the fun. One minute, Ryu finds himself in a test facility, facing off against mutating creatures and narrowly escaping death by jumping across chasms; the next, he comes face to face with a robotically enhanced T-Rex, charging at him from all directions and then, just when you think he’s disposed off, popping up again. This is probably the most lively we’ve seen the Ninja Gaiden series be, even if it’s slightly unbelievable.

To make the gameplay feel a little more fleshed out, Tecmo added a few things to the sequel. For instance, you can now climb up walls using your daggers, and while it takes a bit of practice (one hand needs to be firmly planted or you’ll lose grip), it’s an interesting new technique. You can also call upon occasional dragon ninpo to clear the screen in an explosion of brightly lit fire, or use your demon arm to cut some enemies to shreds in a hurry. There are quick-time events too, though they aren’t nearly as annoying as we’ve seen in previous games. In fact, some are pretty damn slick, particularly when you’re getting the jump on a surprising enemy, stabbing him without looking.

The controls retain the same hack and slash action we’ve gotten used to. While we’re a bit sad that you can’t chop off limbs like you could in Ninja Gaiden II, there’s still plenty of blood to spill, which is a good thing. And while things do get slightly repetitive (you’re stuck with the main sword at first, though more weapons are coming via DLC), it’s still quick, ninja-enabled fun, so if you’re a fan of that, it’s still intact.

Graphically, Ninja Gaiden 3 may not have evolved much from the previous game, but parts of it still look quite fantastic. Both the indoor and outdoor environments look great (particularly the dusty deserts of Saudi Arabia), and the animation is razor sharp, right down to Ryu’s cool little “ghosting” ability with some attacks. There are times the frame rate drops a bit when the combat gets somewhat heavy, but never to the point that it becomes lackluster. And the camera manages okay, though there are slight occasions it gets stuck behind a wall. No biggie.

As for the dialogue, it’s acceptable. Not to say it’s not cheesy at times, as enemies repeat the same thing over and over (“Damn ninja!”) and the alchemist is a little too show-offish for his own good, but we’ve heard worse.

Along with a main story mode, which will take you a few hours (maybe longer on Hardcore difficulty), you also get some pretty good online content. A co-op mode has you team up with a fellow ninja for various Spec Ops-style missions, relying heavily on teamwork. There’s also a cool little four-on-four team deathmatch kind of mode, which may not be heavy on strategy, but still packs plenty of bloodshed. Nothing wrong with that.

So maybe Ninja Gaiden 3 doesn’t raise the bar like some fans may be expecting it to be, but overall, it’s still a worthwhile sequel, especially when it comes to its crazy boss battles (I'm telling you, that T-Rex is NUTS), great online compatibility and an above-average presentation. What it lacks in the “Itagaki touch”, it more than makes up for with some impressive “slice-and-dice”.

Source : gamezone.com
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012 1 komentar

VinylStudio 8.2.0 Portable Software

VinylStudio 8.2.0 Portable Software

VinylStudio | 5 January 2012 | 0 Comments
VinylStudio is a program for transferring your vinyl albums (or cassette tapes) to your computer.VinylStudio makes it easy to digitise your vinyl albums and cassette tapes.VinylStudio saves you all the hassle of dealing with individual files and handles the entire process, including recording, looking up track listings on the Internet, splitting recordings into tracks, fading tracks in and out, saving tracks as MP3 files and burning both audio and MP3 CDs.

VinylStudio can also copy tracks to your MP3 player. VinylStudio can record to both MP3 format (which saves a lot of disk space) and WAV format, and can save tracks as MP3 files from either format.
You can play the resulting MP3 files on any PC or laptop equipped with a sound card, download them into an MP3 player, or burn them to CD.
VinylStudio embeds ID3 tags in the MP3 files it produces so that the artist, album and track title are displayed when the track is played.VinylStudio can burn both audio and MP3 CD’s; just drag albums or tracks from your collection and drop them on the list of tracks to be burned.
VinylStudio can generate playlists for Windows Media Player, making it easy to play an entire album at a time. This also helps maintain the identity of the albums in your digitised collection.
VinylStudio organises your recordings into one or more collections, and one advantage of using it is that you build up a catalog of your albums which you can use for other purposes. This catalog can, for example, be imported into Excel or a database program for further processing.
Because VinylStudio is an all-in-one solution, you don’t need to deal with an unruly gaggle of audio files. Instead, VinylStudio organises your collection by artist and album title and keeps track of all your files for you. There is also no need to make multiple copies of your (large!) audio files when you declick them – VinyStudio keeps a record of your changes and applies them on the fly, thus saving disk space and time.

Key features of  VinylStudio:

• An all-in-one solution for organising and digitizing your vinyl collection
• Multi-level undo/redo
• Automated click and scratch removal
• Manual click repair option
• Saves changes to, not copies of, your audio files
• Look up track listings over the Internet
• Fade tracks in and out
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Mp3 Editor Deluxe 4.0.1 With Serial

| 25 February 2012 | 0 Comments
MP3 Editor Deluxe, an ideal solution for audio editing and mastering, includes all the great features of MP3 Editor Pro – and many more! The program contains everything you need to create great sounding recordings and audio CDs, including professional tools for recording, editing and analyzing.

A large range of high quality audio tools and effects are integrated in MP3 Editor Deluxe – including tools for dynamic processing, equalizing, numerous effects such as echo, amplification, noise reduction, reverb, chorus and flanger, as well time stretching and key transposition tools. Recordings distorted by noise, clicks, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content can be restored. MP3 Editor Deluxe is one of several excellent audio creation products from MEPMedia. Its user interface is also designed with speed, accuracy and ease of use in mind.

Include All the Great Features of MP3 Editor Deluxe

MP3 Editor Deluxe is an ideal and efficient audio editing and audio production tool for both amateurs and professional users. It provides powerful and user-friendly editing environment which suits beginners especially. The program contains all the great features of MP3 Editor Pro like editing music visually and nondestructively, recording music visually, applying cool effects and filters, converting audio formats within all popular formats.
Merge Audio Files for Non-stop Entertainment
If you are looking for ways to merge a bunch of audio files into one larger file, the inbuilt Audio File Merger provided by MP3 Editor Deluxe is just on your target! It is capable of combining many separate music tracks into one non-stop audio CD and merging separate audiobook chapters into one big audiobook.
Edit WMA Info
You may have downloaded some streamlined music pieces that are in WMA extension. However, when you open them, the names of the music are all the same website where the music downloaded from. In this case, it is necessary to edit these WMA files. WMA Info editor built in MP3 Editor Deluxe allows users to change tagged information about your WMA music files like WMA audio’s title, artist, time, album name and more for convenient identification and management.
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FutureDecks DJ Pro 3.0.4

FutureDecks DJ Pro 3.0.4 Full Software

FutureDecks DJ Pro | 16 March 2012 | 0 Comments
FutureDecks DJ Pro  the professional DJ mixing software. Beat-matching, seamless beat-aware loops, external controllers and MIDI support, VST effects, precise automatic BPM counter, sampler and many other things. With FutureDecks Pro you get a classic DJ setup with 2 decks, pro mixer and playlist.

Key features of FutureDecks DJ Pro:
· classic DJ setup with 2 decks, pro mixer and playlists
· fully manual or automatic mixing (one-click beat-matching)
· seamless intelligent looping and “skipbeat”
· automatic BPM detection (grid like) with batch-mode function
· vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse play, brake
· separate headphones output and song pre-listening
· support for VST effects and AudioUnits, eqs, filters
· analog input for microphone/turntables/CD-players, Talk-Over
· controllers supported natively (zero-configure): Behringer BCD2000/BCD3000, Hercules controllers
· additional MIDI IN with LEARN – assign knobs/switches to fx parameters
· advanced support for external mixers
· perceptual automatic gain
· sample player (sampler)
· record your mixes to WAV or AIFF
· KeyLock (MasterTempo) with on/off selector, gradual pitch bend
· ASIO/CoreAudio low-latency support
· browsing system with unlimited lists, disk explorer and database
· load the whole song in RAM memory for instant access
· audio-cd support on Win/Mac (intelligent cd detection/loading)
· can read mp3, m4a, wav, aiff, ogg, cda, mpeg and many more files
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Joboshare Video Converter

Joboshare Video Converter Joboshare Video Converter is easy-to-use, powerful video and audio converting software, which can convert between all popular video and audio formats. It provides rich profiles for popular multimedia devices such as iPod, iPhone, mobile phone, windows mobile, portable multimedia device etc., enables you to convert audio and video to their respective formats supported.

Joboshare Video Converter supports to adjust parameters of audio/video codec and the ID3 editing function of audio formats such as WMA and MP3. With it, you can also extract and convert the audio from a video file, to recopy a music CD.
Joboshare Video Converter allows users to choose start point and duration at will. Trim your video files to convert your favorite movie clips. Support preview before conversion. Users can choose to preview the input files before conversion. High ripping speed, support Dual-core or Multi-core processor. Pause, stop and continue video conversion whenever you like.
It’s an all-in-one video converter including 3GP Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, PSP Video Converter, Zune Video Converter, AVI MPEG Converter, MP4 Video Converter, MOV Converter, MKV to MPEG converter, etc.
Extract video to audio formats including MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc. Support all popular video and audio players such as iPod, Zune, PSP, Pocket PC, Creative Zen, Archos and so on. Support H.264/AVC video format, PSP H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding/decoding, PSP H.264/AVC Video (480×272) (*.mp4).

Key Features of Joboshare Video Converter :

• Convert one video format into another;
• Extract and convert the audio file from a video one;
• Support the recopy of a music CD;
• Support the conversion of audio/video clips with customized starting point and length;
• Support to adjust parameters of audio/video codecs;
• Support to edit the ID3 tag;
• Support to play back audio/video files;
• Support to view the source file information;
• Support to set different zooming modes for the output file;
• Support to set different splitting modes for the output file;
• Support to set the name of the output file;
• Support to remove the copy protection;
• Support multi-threading and batch conversion;
• Support multiple languages such as simplified Chinese and English, etc.;
• Support H.264/PSP AVC and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codecs;
• Simple GUI and very EASY to use.
• Batch conversion of a list of files.
• Excellent output quality.
• Multi-language support including Simplified Chinese and English.
• Support skin change.
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ACDSee Pro 5.1.137 With Serial

ACDSee ProACDSee Pro 5.1.137 With Serial

| 6 April 2012 | 0 Comments
ACDSee Pro Browser lets you copy photos from your camera to your computer, categorize and rate your files, and manage photo collections of any size – from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand. Choose to view thumbnail previews of any size, or use a detailed list of file properties to sort your files. Can’t find a particular photo? No problem – ACDSee includes a variety of powerful searching tools and a Compare Images feature to eliminate duplicates.

ACDSee Pro full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files. You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple-page images in any of the more than 50 image and multimedia file formats.
Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you can use to create, edit, and touch-up your digital images. Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and photo repair to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools, such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate, can be performed on multiple files at the same time.
The ACDSee Pro user interface is completely customizable providing quick access to features and tools. You can customize the screen layout, the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to suit your preferences. ACDSee contains extensive context-sensitive Help to assist you as you move through the application.
ACDSee Pro Photo Manager is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management system that everyone from beginners to professionals can use and enjoy.
ACDSee Pro

Key features of ACDSee Pro:

  • Lightning-fast RAW image previews.
  • Powerful RAW processing that gives you full control over your images with precision tools for adjusting white balance, exposure, sharpness, and noise.
  • Extensive support for RAW formats from Nikon, Canon, Konica-Minolta, Olympus, Fuji, and Pentax cameras. View the full list.
  • Full color management support for ICC and ICM color profiles.
  • Visual tagging feature allows you to quickly sort and select preferred photographs.
  • Integrated support for the DNG (Digital Negative Specification) RAW format.
  • Batch editing of thousands of photographs at once using multiple functions.
  • Fully integrated IPTC support for interoperability with PhotoShop Captions.
  • Watermark your photographs with graphics or text to reflect copyright and ownership laws, or to overlay business-related information on specific photographs.
  • The Shadow/Highlight tool allows you to brighten only the dark areas of a photo, or darken only overexposed areas, or do both simultaneously.
  • HTML album templates designed to suit your professional needs. Customize them by adding your contact information, company logo, or a look and feel appropriate for your business.
  • Customizable Browser layouts, short-cut keys, and metadata meet your personalized requirements and streamline your workflow.
  • Quick editing features that allow you to easily fix common lens distortions such as perspective, barrel, pincushion, and fish-eye.
· 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
· 100 MB free hard drive space (1 GB recommended)
· CD/DVD Burner – for creating CDs and DVDs
· TiVo Desktop Software – to publish images to your TiVo
· Microsoft DirectX 9.0 – for Microsoft DirectX file format support, and to create slide shows and screen savers
· QuickTime 6.0 – for QuickTime file format support
· Ghostscript 8.0 – for PDF support